Tuesday, September 25, 2012

New DIY Coming Soon Featured in Romantic Homes

So excited about the DIY scratch off cards I put together for Romantic Homes December Issue!
The possibilities are endless!
Here is a peak at the graphic sheet for it plus the link to the download PDF here

More about the DIY coming soon!  Complete instructions in the December Romantic Homes issue.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

What in the World?

Did you know Rustoleum makes magnetic paint?
It is awesome, a little tempermental, but awesome.

So, I had this idea.  It all started when one of my kids was asking some kind of geographical education question that I can't remember now.  As I was attempting to show them on the glob, I realized how out of date my glob is, which I kind of knew already, since I bought it at a garage sale for .50 cents.

So my idea, make the glob more functional.

I thought, why not make it magnetic and a chalk board.

I wanted to draw the online of the continents after I painted over it, so I had this idea to outline the continents with a dimensional paint.

I had a few bottles of fabric paint on hand, so I used that to outline the continents.

I let it dry out side in 100 degree weather so it would dry fast, I was anxious to try the magnetic primer.

You need to stir the magnetic paint a lot, I mean really a lot!  Digging up the magnetic substance on the bottom of the can.  You also need to stir the can each time before you dip your sponge brush in, and yes, you need to use a sponge brush, this stuff is not nice to paint brushes or sinks.

I mixed up some chalk board paint using 1/2  cup acrylic paint and 1 tablespoon of unsanded grout.

Since I could see my dimensional lines, I drew over them with a white paint pen.  Then primed it by rubbing chalk over it.